Coq au vin

I love red wine! But I am the only one in the household that likes red wine… so I always end up opening a bottle and not being able to finish it. So I am really happy for every recipe I have containing wine for not having any waste. And coq au vin is the perfect light, delicious and special meal for this.

Coq au vin
Cooking time: 1.45 hours
Servings: 6
Difficulty: medium


  • 800 g of chicken thighs (I also used half chicken breasts)
  • 1 big onion
  • 2-3 medium carrots
  • 250 g of champignon mushrooms
  • 5 slices of bacon
  • 12-15 pearl onions
  • 1 cup of chicken broth (I use a cube)
  • 2-3 cups of red wine of good quality
  • 1 tbsp of tomato paste
  • thyme (ideally fresh twig)
  • 1 bay leaf
  • salt and paper
  • oil for frying the meat


  1. Pat dry the meat and season with salt and pepper.
  2. Heat up the pan and add 3-4 tbsp of oil.
  3. Fry the meat on both sides until it’s golden. Then set it aside.
  4. Without scraping off the brown bits, add the chopped carrots an onion and toss them for a few min until the onion is translucent.
  5. Add the tomato paste, chicken broth, thyme and bay leaf and mix well. The browning will come off now.
  6. Add the wine.
  7. Place back the chicken, it should be covered for the most part. Let it simmer for 1 or 1.5 hours until it is cooked and the sauce reduces.
  8. In a different pan fry the bacon until it’s crispy, then add it to the stew.
  9. In the bacon fat, saute the mushrooms until they are nice and golden. Then add them to the stew.
  10. Last step is to golden the pearl onion too. Add them to the stew.
  11. Let them combine for a few more min and it is ready o serve.