Super quick nutritional yeast salad

This salad is a recent discovery and I love it for how quick and easy it is, but also nutritious and “cheesy” and full of umami. Nutritional yeast is a great ingredient to have in your kitchen, it is rick in protein and vitamin B and it is a great substitute for cheese. Even if you do not want to substitute cheese, it is still tasting great.

For this recipe I use:

  • salad of your choice, I like the young sprouts
  • vinaigrette made of: honey, mustard, balsamic vinegar, grind black pepper and olive oil. I do not measure it, but if it is for a person use 1 teaspoon from honey, mustard and vinegar and 2 teaspoons of olive oil.
  • nutritional yeast flakes, add 3 tbps first and then more if you’d like
  • salt

Combine them all, mix them well and in under 5 minutes the salad is ready either as a main meal or as a side dish!

If you want it as a main meal you can add extra ingredients like chicken, tomatoes etc. Let your imagination go wild.